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title:on top of the キョロロ towerTime:11:52hCamera Model:NIKON D300
description:usually only open for maintenanceISO:200Exposuretime:1/250s
persons (f.l.t.r.):Kai K., Shin H., Naoto M., Masafumi H., Ryuya M., Sho H., Kosuke S., Shoko W., Rika T., Hisako Y., Shii T., Yusuke F., Shigefumi A., Takaharu T., Buna T., Midori T., Yui T.Focallength:18mmExposurebias:%
tags:tezuka tokyovortragFocallength 35mm equiv:27mmLens:18-200mm F3.5-5.6
Date:wednesday 14 January 2009Camera Maker:NIKON
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